Revolutionizing Law Enforcement
Rebuilding Trust

Transforming Policing with AI Vigilance


Discover how our services are making a difference in law enforcement through innovative technology and compassionate engagement.

Advanced AI Body Cameras

Real-time analysis for safer interactions.

Voice-Controlled Advising

Non-intrusive immediate guidance, just when it's needed most.

Saving Government Cost

Prevent overstep of authority

Revolutionizing Law Enforcement Rebuilding Trust

At OpenPinna, we are pioneering a new era of law enforcement. Our Intelligent Response System is designed for delivering impactful real-time insights and equipping officers with unparalleled decision-making support. We are playing a crucial role in reinforcing accountability and deepening community trust. Featuring seamless legal integration, Pinna provides sophisticated continuous real-time audio feedback that redefines training and on-the-ground competence in policing.

  • Reducing Litigation and Misconduct Costs
  • Training Efficiency
  • Community Trust and Reduced Complaints
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Embark on a transformative journey with OpenPinna today

Our groundbreaking Intelligent Response System heralds a new era in law enforcement.

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Invest in Safety, Save on Costs

At just $99 per officer, OpenPinna offers a proactive solution to enhance interaction oversight. Considering the average settlement cost of $20,000 per incident, this investment not only promotes trust and accountability but also presents significant cost savings. Sounds like a wise trade, doesn’t it?


This is who we are


Joel Callou

Founder & CEO


Daniel Liqing PAN



Karanpal Sekhon

Technical Team


Christian Kevin Sidharta

Technical Team


Automated Review Process

Truleo's automated review process can potentially save hundreds of man-hours in video reviews. Given that less than 1% of recorded footage is typically reviewed, this automation ensures that no critical event goes unnoticed.

Early Warning Systems

Automating the review process allows for quick identification of potential risks or problematic encounters. This preemptive approach is invaluable, enabling immediate corrective actions, training, or interventions as necessary.

Positive Recognition

In addition to flagging negative incidents, recognizing positive police-community interactions is crucial for officer morale and building public trust.

Direct Benefactors


Jake can ensure he's always on the right side of the law and can use the data to continually improve. The AI feedback allows him to make real-time decisions, ensuring public trust.

Officer Jake Matthews - Police

The real-time AI feedback can be a valuable training tool, ensuring officers are learning in the field. She can also use the data for review sessions, enhancing training quality.

Sergeant Miguel Rodriguez - Officer Training

With officers getting real-time feedback, she feels more confident in fair treatment. It also provides a platform for dialogue between the community and the police, ensuring both sides are heard.

Community Activist Linda Harris - Community Activist

Let's Get Started

Pioneering a new era of law enforcement

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LinkedIn- OpenPinna
Twitter @openpinna.


Support Email

 +1 6478035244